Dear reader, The celebrations and the disappointments of 2016. Yes this fabulous year is coming to an end. In this post i will share my personal highs and lows. First i will share my most down moments and then my lovely memories of this year. Why life is sometimes hard. The moments which i find the most hard to tell are luckily not many. 2016 has been quite amazing to me, but it started with a very very tragic happening. I haven’t shared this earlier. It was too painfull. But it was the 29th of January and i was having diner with my old colleague. And then it happend i got a call from a friend of mine. Normally i don’t answer it when i’m having diner, but it was odd she was calling me at that moment. It felt like i needed to pick up, unfortunately she told me something i didn’t wanted to hear. The only words i could remember were: “someone has commited suicide, and people are talking about… it could be her“. I couldn’t and wanted to believe her and i was absolutely devastated. I cried for a couple of minutes in the restaurant before i […]