Hi Gorgeous! Finally friday, yay it means my day off.. but not only one day. It’s my vacay (well sort off), the couple of weeks are going to be exhausting and exciting. It has been 4 months ago i wrote a post about my exchange plans and i can’t believe it’s happening tomorrow. Yes, the land of the celebs and hamburgers, the USA. I’ve emailed my exchange partner several times and we even had a Skype meeting. If you want to know more about my program of my trip and what i am exactly going to do, read my latest wednesday post. I want to show you my comfy and cool look. Ofcourse i am wearing a hat at the photo’s, i guess it is going to be my sginature. I absolutely love hats in every sizes and colors. And have you already noticed the boots i am wearing? yeah i found the perfect biker booties! I was so excited to wear them, i totally forgot to remove the sticker beneath my feet ;). Well for now keep an eye at my blog, so i wil keep you informed of my Kansas way of life!…….. Pictures taken by my bf. […]